Several months ago Caley and I were looking at a Family Fun magazine. I really have liked getting this magazine in the mail. It has some cute stories and fun things to do or create with your kids. As I was turning pages we saw a fort that was made out of cereal boxes (empty of course). Caley saw the picture also and asked what it was and I told her and then she asked if we could make one in our basement. I said sure, we don't really have big plans for the summer and it would give us something to do with our empty boxes before we recycle them. So we started keeping our boxes, then I realized that we don't eat nearly enough cereal to get this fort put together by the end of the summer. So I enlisted the help of some close friends who would give me their empty boxes. So our collection started growing. Sometimes we'd come home from running a
n errand and there would be boxes stacked on the front porch and we were so excited. So today I/we finished the fort. It was an exciting moment in the Hinkle Hut and we no longer have to collect empty cereal boxes.

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