Saturday, July 26, 2008

Same hairdresser?

Here are two pics of David and me when we were little. Now that I'm looking at the pictures I'm wondering if our mom's took us to the same hairdresser.

David when he was a little guy.

Me as a little girl:

Happy Anniversary

Today David and I have been married for 11 years. I can't believe that time has went by so quickly. We were 22 and 20 when we sealed it with a kiss and lived in Tahlequah. Then we both graduated and moved to Dallas and went to Seminary. Caley was born and then we had one year left to finish up seminary. We met some of our best friends while we were in Dallas. In 2004 we moved to Topeka where David took his first position post seminary. Blake was born after we'd been here a year. We love Topeka and have some great friends here too. We wouldn't change a thing. I'm so thankful to be married to David and that he loves me and our kids. He's truely the man that God intended for me to meet and spend the rest of my life with.

Then: July 26, 1997

Now: June 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Future quilter

I've been working on a couple rag quilts for a friend who is getting ready to have twin girls. Caley has been somewhat interested in what I've been working on so she's been helping out a little. She has helped pick out the fabrics and then I've let her tell me what colors to put next to another color. I've finished the quilts and here they are:

Each of the quilts has the same fabrics in them but they are different. I thought this was fitting since my friend is having twins.

This morning Caley has been doing a lot of coloring and tearing the pages out of the color book and making up stories to go along with the pages. I was working on another sewing project this morning and Caley told me that she was going to make a quilt out of her color sheets with her tape so I told her go ahead and make it and then I'll take a look at it. Well it turned out really cute and hopefully she will stay interested in quilting and sewing. I know that would make both of her Gramma's so proud.

A future in the fashion industry?

Over the weekend my parents were visiting. We had a really great time playing with the kids, shopping, eating out, swimming, the guys were also able to do some golfing which they LOVE! One night after dinner Caley and Blake wanted to show Gramma and Papa their band. So we told them to set it up in the living room and we'd be in there as soon as we cleaned up the kitchen from dinner. So instead of being patient and waiting they brought the band to us. Their band consists of them and their instruments. Their instruments are the ukelele's, the little Cheetah Girls keyboard and the drums that are the top of the Lincoln Logs container, the two little white chairs and colored pencils for the drum sticks. Anyway it was really cute and they made Daddy get down on the floor and play the keyboard. After a couple minutes of playing their songs Caley decided she needed to get her band outfit on and this is what she ended up dressed in. So a future in the fashion industry is questionable at this point in time.

Sleepy guys

I love both of the guys in my family, they are both so cute especially when they are asleep. I guess they got to worn out over the weekend from golf and swimming. Here's a picture of them taking a nap after a long days work.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Cereal Box Fort

Several months ago Caley and I were looking at a Family Fun magazine. I really have liked getting this magazine in the mail. It has some cute stories and fun things to do or create with your kids. As I was turning pages we saw a fort that was made out of cereal boxes (empty of course). Caley saw the picture also and asked what it was and I told her and then she asked if we could make one in our basement. I said sure, we don't really have big plans for the summer and it would give us something to do with our empty boxes before we recycle them. So we started keeping our boxes, then I realized that we don't eat nearly enough cereal to get this fort put together by the end of the summer. So I enlisted the help of some close friends who would give me their empty boxes. So our collection started growing. Sometimes we'd come home from running an errand and there would be boxes stacked on the front porch and we were so excited. So today I/we finished the fort. It was an exciting moment in the Hinkle Hut and we no longer have to collect empty cereal boxes.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wedding humor

Last night we went to a wedding at our church. We took Caley and Blake because it was an early wedding and we thought that they would enjoy watching everything. They were a little hungry and tired and were a bit on the squirmy side but they did really good despite all of that. So just as the pastor said, ". . . you may kiss your bride," Blake turns to me and said, "We made it, Mom." I had a hard time not laughing and so did the people sitting in front and behind us.