So I'm a little behind on this post. Caley has officially finished her kindergarten year of school. She had a great time at Jay Shideler Elementary with Mrs. Barrett as her teacher. They had a little program a couple weeks before school was our where all the kindergarten classes sang some songs and then each child told what they wanted to be when they grow up and why. When is was Caley's turn she went to the microphone and said:
My name is Caley Hinkle.
When I grow up I want to be a princess because I like make-up.

After the program we were able to go back to her class and watch their class video which had all the mom's needing a tissue or two. So all in all we had a great year and Caley has learned a lot and so have David and I. Our learning will continue as we step into first grade at a new school Farley Elementary. We are really excited about this and Caley is too knowing that a lot of her friends will be there too.

This is Caley's teacher Mrs. Barrett. She's a great teacher and loves the Lord which we are so thankful for! We are looking forward to the upcoming school year but for now we are enjoying the summer!