Thursday, March 26, 2009

my new purse

I just wanted to post a couple pics of the purse I made yeserday. I think it's super cute! I found it at this website for those who might be interested: and then go to the "how to's" and it's called the Hobo Bag.

This is the inside pocket.
This is the inside zipper pocket.

two funnies

A couple weekends ago the kids and I were at my parents in Oklahoma. We were almost done eating dinner when we hear thud, thud, thud. I jump up because both kids are out of the room and on the stairs and then Blake starts crying. I put him up from the bottom of the stairs and ask what happened. Caley looks at me and says, "Blake was doing cartwheels down the stairs."

This past Monday the wind in Kansas was terrible and it blew all day. Well I guess is was so strong that it knocked our electricity out for a while. It happened about 4:20 just after Caley got home from school. So both kids are so surprised that the lights and TV aren't working. But the best question was asked by Blake. He asked, "Mommy, if someone comes to the door and rings the doorbell what will we do?"

Monday, March 2, 2009

our little reader

This year in Kindergarten Caley has been learning her letters and numbers and how they go together. Especially in the area of words and then sentences. We ask her when we are reading books at night to help us read them and on occasion she will tell us the words she knows. Well last night after small group we are usually hurrying around trying to get them in bed quickly because it's late and they need their sleep.

I walked out of her room to get something and she told me on the way out she was going to read the bible tonight. I said ok, I'll be right back. So I came back to her room and David and Blake were there and this was what she was reading:

Matthew 1:1-3 in King James (I'm typing exactly as it's written in this little New Testament so you can see what a good job she was doing sounding out the words. We were really impressed, she did need help with the hard words)

1. The book of the generation of Je'sus Christ, the son od Da'vid, the son of A'bra-ham.
2. A'bra-ham begat I'saac; and I'saac begat Ja'cob; and Ja'cob begat Ju'das and his brethren.
3. And Ju'das begat Pha'res and Za'ra of Tha'mar; and Pha'res begat Es'rom; and Es'rom begat A'ram.

She did good and you can see from the way it's written that it was a hard thing for our little reader to figure out with all the weird apostrophe's and when she would get to the next verse she would say the number too. So we are going to get her a different bible that will be a little easier to read than the KJV.

it's the little things

This weekend was really great and we had two milestones. Well maybe they aren't really milestones but we (David and myself) thought they were pretty cool. On Saturday night after dinner we needed to give Blake a haircut but we really don't like to give him one because he has the biggest meltdown each time. So after dinner we told him that it was time for a haircut and he does the normal which is he starts crying and I carry him down the stairs. I tell him it's ok and then hand him to David who normally has to hold him down while I give him the world's quickest haircut. We Saturday he decided that it wasn't that bad to have his haircut and was laughing and telling us how he could see his hair on the floor and how cool it was. So we were giving him praise big time on how big of a boy he was and that he did a great job. Then when I was finished he said, "I don't need a haircut tomorrow right?"

Then yesterday (Sunday) we have what's called The Mountain at church for the kids and it's a really fun program and they have backpacks and shirts and it's just a fun place to learn about Jesus. So each week since January we drop Caley off at her class and then walk down the hall to Blake's class where he proceeds to cry and throw a mini-tantrum about not wanting to go to his class and saying the teachers are tape (see previous post). But after he's there for about 2 minutes he has the best time, it's just getting him through the doorway that's the problem. Anyway yesterday before we got to church Blake told me that he liked his class and that Mr. James was his buddy. So we got to church walked Caley to her class and then walked down the hall to Blake's room and he let go of my hand and went running to the door and ran in the class and grabbed Mr. James' hand that was it.

We were so excited we almost didn't know how to react.